CareTeam and group of patients

We are trying to set up a structure with defining Care Teams around a group of patients - for example Care Team lead by a GP which is taking over a group of patients that have chosen that GP as nominated GP. I am struggling with 3 options:

  • record a Care Team as Organisation (Type > Team)
  • PractitionerRole to assing practitioners and nurses to take part of the team
  • create a group of patients using Group resource - PatientsPerGP. Characteristics is: all patients for which the GP is nominatet; members: list of all patients for this GP (Reference / PatientXXXX)
  • Create CareTeam resource with Subject: Reference/GroupPatientsPerGPxxxxxx, Participant: Reference / Organisation (type>Team)


  • record a Care Team as Organisation (Type > Team)
  • Create Extension on Patient > managed by Care Teams (Reference Organisation (Type > Team))


  • record a Care Team as Organisation (Type > Team)
  • PractitionerRole to assing practitioners and nurses to take part of the team
  • create a group of patients using Group resource - PatientsPerGP. Characteristics is: all patients for which the GP is nominated; members: list of all patients for this GP (Reference / PatientXXXX)
  • on group use ManagingEntity Organisation (Type > Team)

Feedbacks welcomed

What are you trying to do based on the relationship? What kind of queries will you do? How does being associated/not associated with a CareTeam make a difference? How does membership change?