
my idea was to provide some french translation for ElementDefinition of a StructureDefinition .
i use ConceptScheme as an example … and wanted to extand the ConceptScheme StructureDefinition so that we can have have a french “explanation” for each Element.
Example :
where can i set that for this element we can have somewhere that a french explanation of this element is “Version Nécessaire” with a language tag “fr” .

than you.

Any string in any resource - including StructureDefinition - can have translations captured using the translation extension. However, there’s no mechanism to support those in the base publication machinery nor in profile tooling like Forge - yet. We do capture translations for resource names, but for individual resource elements, nor for short descriptions, etc.

thank you for answer. sorry for late comment on it.
in my example, using this extension i, i will have something like that :

could you confoirm that will be FHIR complient ?

thank you and sorry if i misunderstood , could not find example with this extension .

It would look like what’s below. That said, I’m not sure whether doing a proper translation on the full id makes sense. You can’t use a translation of the id - all instances must use the English names. If you want something in French (or any other language), it would make more sense to translate the label as that’s something that could be user-facing.

    "id": "CodeSystem.versionNeeded",
    "_id": {
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "extension": [
            {"url":"lang", "valueCode": "fr"},
            {"url":"content", "valueString": "systèmeDeCode.versionNécessaire"}

thank you for your clear example.
Do Fhir provide documentation about “id” & “_id” format ? (first time for me to see that)

Yes i agree, but id is required and label not. for example, fhir doesnt provide the label for CodeSystem.versionNeeded Element.
So i can not express a french translation for an unknown attribute … or like this ?
“label”: “”,
“_label”: {
“extension”: [
“url”: “”,
“extension”: [
{“url”:“lang”, “valueCode”: “fr”},
{“url”:“content”, “valueString”: “version nécessaire”}


You don’t even need to provide “label”:"", you are free to have just “_label”

Information about handling extensions for primitive data types is covered on the json syntax page: http://build.fhir.org/json.html

ok , it is clear to me now. thanks for all your answers.