Extensions difference not showing up while calculating diff between two resources

I am trying to calculate difference between two resources to get differential Parameters resource that can be later passed to apply patch update. I can see the difference but any change in child extensions are not showing up . To give detail , isSubscriber is a child extension in MHPatient resource which extends Patient resource. This is how MHPatient looks like -

public class MHPatient extends Patient {
//Other extensions and children 
    @Child(name = "isSubscriber")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#isSubscriber", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "INS01 indicator in loop 2000")
    private StringType isSubscriber;
//other data 

I am using this code to calculate difference between two resources -

        MHPatient patient1 = new MHPatient();
        patient1.setIsSubscriber(new StringType("Y"));

        MHPatient patient2 = new MHPatient();
        patient2.setIsSubscriber(new StringType("N"));

        FhirContext ourCtx = FhirContext.forR4Cached();
        FhirPatch svc = new FhirPatch(ourCtx);
        Parameters diff = (Parameters) svc.diff(patient1, patient2);

But the Parameters resource only shows difference for Patient.active and not for Patient.isSubscriber and similarly other changes for all remaining extensions doesn’t show up .
This is differential returned -

  "resourceType": "Parameters",
  "parameter": [ {
    "name": "operation",
    "part": [ {
      "name": "type",
      "valueCode": "replace"
    }, {
      "name": "path",
      "valueString": "Patient.active"
    }, {
      "name": "previousValue",
      "valueBoolean": false
    }, {
      "name": "value",
      "valueBoolean": true
    } ]
  } ]

It raises these questions -
1)Is it supposed to behave like this, that is, ignoring the differences in extensions in generated Parameters resource?
2)Is there another way to include extensions difference as well ?
3)If somehow I can manually generate Parameters resource to have differences in extensions(Patient.isSubscriber in this case) and pass this Parameters resource to FHIR Patch, will FHIR Patch call apply this change and update MHPatient with new extension value ?

Apologies for a long post and thanks in advance for all the input and help .

what do the sources of the two patient resources look like?

Thanks for the reply. This is how Patient resource looks like -

package com.macrohealth.platform.fhir.common;

import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.*;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Extension;
import ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBackboneElement;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MHPatient extends Patient {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Child(name = "responsiblePersons")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#responsiblePersons", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "This is to save responsible person information from 2100G loop in X12")
    private List<MHResponsiblePerson> responsiblePersons;

    @Child(name = "employmentClasses")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#employmentClasses", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "This is to save employment class information from 2100A loop in X12")
    private List<MHEmploymentClass> employmentClasses;

    @Child(name = "memberIncome")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#memberIncome", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "This is to save member income information from 2100A loop in X12")
    private MHMemberIncome memberIncome;

    @Child(name = "memberPolicies")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#memberPolicies", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "This is to save member policy information from 2100A loop in X12")
    private List<MHX12Policy> memberPolicies;

    @Child(name = "healthInformation")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#healthInformation", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "This is to save member health information from 2100A loop in X12")
    private MHMemberHealthInformation healthInformation;

    @Child(name = "schoolOrganizations")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#schoolOrganizations", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "This is to save member school information from 2100E loop in X12")
    private List<Reference> schoolOrganizations;

    @Child(name = "memberDates")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#memberDates", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "This is to save member level dates from DTP segment in 2000 loop in X12")
    private List<MHX12Date> memberDates;

    @Child(name = "insuredBenefitCodeInformation")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#insuredBenefitCodeInformation", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "This is to insured benefit code details from INS segment in 2000 loop in X12")
    private MHInsuredBenefitCodeInformation insuredBenefitCodeInformation;

    @Child(name = "entityIdentifierCode")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#entityIdentifierCode", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "entityIdentifierCode NM101 in loop 2100A")
    private StringType entityIdentifierCode;

    @Child(name = "citizenshipStatusCode")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#citizenshipStatusCode", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "citizenshipStatusCode DMG06 in loop 2100A")
    private StringType citizenshipStatusCode;

    @Child(name = "isSubscriber")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#isSubscriber", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "INS01 indicator in loop 2000")
    private StringType isSubscriber;

    @Child(name = "subscriberRelationshipCode")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#subscriberRelationshipCode", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "realtionship code with subscriber from INS02 in loop 2000")
    private StringType subscriberRelationshipCode;

    @Child(name = "subscriberId")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#subscriberId", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "subscriber ID from REF02 when REF01 is OF in loop 2000")
    private StringType subscriberId;

    @Child(name = "policyNumber")
    @Extension(url = "http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#policyNumber", definedLocally = false, isModifier = false)
    @Description(shortDefinition = "policy number from REF02 when REF01 is 1L in loop 2000")
    private StringType policyNumber;

    @Extension(url="http://fhirserver/fhir/MHPatient#x12Refs", definedLocally=false, isModifier=false)
    @Description(shortDefinition="List of all reference identification qualifiers and corresponding reference Ids")
    private List<MHX12Ref> x12Refs;

    public List<Reference> getSchoolOrganizations() {
        if (this.schoolOrganizations == null)
            this.schoolOrganizations = new ArrayList<Reference>();
        return this.schoolOrganizations;

    public MHPatient setSchoolOrganizations(List<Reference> theSchoolOrganizations) {
        this.schoolOrganizations = theSchoolOrganizations;
        return this;

    public boolean hasSchoolOrganization() {
        if (this.schoolOrganizations == null)
            return false;
        for (Reference item : this.schoolOrganizations)
            if (!item.isEmpty())
                return true;
        return false;

    public Reference addSchoolOrganization() {
        Reference t = new Reference();
        if (this.schoolOrganizations == null)
            this.schoolOrganizations = new ArrayList<Reference>();
        return t;

    public MHPatient addSchoolOrganization(Reference t) {
        if (t == null)
            return this;
        if (this.schoolOrganizations == null)
            this.schoolOrganizations = new ArrayList<Reference>();
        return this;

    public Reference getSchoolOrganizationFirstRep() {
        if (getSchoolOrganizations().isEmpty()) {
        return getSchoolOrganizations().get(0);

    public List<MHResponsiblePerson> getResponsiblePersons() {
        return responsiblePersons;

    public void setResponsiblePersons(List<MHResponsiblePerson> responsiblePersons) {
        this.responsiblePersons = responsiblePersons;

    public List<MHEmploymentClass> getEmploymentClasses() {
        return employmentClasses;

    public void setEmploymentClasses(List<MHEmploymentClass> employmentClasses) {
        this.employmentClasses = employmentClasses;

    public MHMemberIncome getMemberIncome() {
        return memberIncome;

    public void setMemberIncome(MHMemberIncome memberIncome) {
        this.memberIncome = memberIncome;

    public List<MHX12Policy> getMemberPolicies() {
        return memberPolicies;

    public void setMemberPolicies(List<MHX12Policy> memberPolicies) {
        this.memberPolicies = memberPolicies;

    public MHMemberHealthInformation getHealthInformation() {
        return healthInformation;

    public void setHealthInformation(MHMemberHealthInformation healthInformation) {
        this.healthInformation = healthInformation;

    public List<MHX12Date> getMemberDates() {
        return memberDates;

    public void setMemberDates(List<MHX12Date> memberDates) {
        this.memberDates = memberDates;

    public MHInsuredBenefitCodeInformation getInsuredBenefitCodeInformation() {
        return insuredBenefitCodeInformation;

    public void setInsuredBenefitCodeInformation(MHInsuredBenefitCodeInformation insuredBenefitCodeInformation) {
        this.insuredBenefitCodeInformation = insuredBenefitCodeInformation;

    public StringType getEntityIdentifierCode() {
        return entityIdentifierCode;

    public void setEntityIdentifierCode(StringType entityIdentifierCode) {
        this.entityIdentifierCode = entityIdentifierCode;

    public StringType getCitizenshipStatusCode() {
        return citizenshipStatusCode;

    public void setCitizenshipStatusCode(StringType citizenshipStatusCode) {
        this.citizenshipStatusCode = citizenshipStatusCode;

    public StringType getIsSubscriber() {
        return isSubscriber;

    public void setIsSubscriber(StringType isSubscriber) {
        this.isSubscriber = isSubscriber;

    public StringType getSubscriberRelationshipCode() {
        return subscriberRelationshipCode;

    public void setSubscriberRelationshipCode(StringType subscriberRelationshipCode) {
        this.subscriberRelationshipCode = subscriberRelationshipCode;

    public StringType getSubscriberId() {
        return subscriberId;

    public void setSubscriberId(StringType subscriberId) {
        this.subscriberId = subscriberId;

    public StringType getPolicyNumber() {
        return policyNumber;

    public void setPolicyNumber(StringType policyNumber) {
        this.policyNumber = policyNumber;

    public List<MHX12Ref> getX12Refs() {
        return x12Refs;

    public void setX12Refs(List<MHX12Ref> x12Refs) {
        this.x12Refs = x12Refs;

    public MHPatient copy() {
        MHPatient copy = new MHPatient();
        copy.responsiblePersons = responsiblePersons;
        copy.employmentClasses = employmentClasses;
        copy.healthInformation = healthInformation;
        copy.memberIncome = memberIncome;
        copy.memberPolicies = memberPolicies;
        copy.schoolOrganizations = schoolOrganizations;
        copy.memberDates = memberDates;
        copy.insuredBenefitCodeInformation = insuredBenefitCodeInformation;
        copy.entityIdentifierCode = entityIdentifierCode;
        copy.citizenshipStatusCode = citizenshipStatusCode;
        copy.isSubscriber = isSubscriber;
        copy.subscriberRelationshipCode = subscriberRelationshipCode;
        copy.subscriberId = subscriberId;
        copy.policyNumber = policyNumber;
        copy.x12Refs = x12Refs;
        return copy;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return super.isEmpty() && ElementUtil.isEmpty(responsiblePersons, schoolOrganizations, employmentClasses, memberIncome,
                memberPolicies, healthInformation, memberDates, insuredBenefitCodeInformation, entityIdentifierCode, citizenshipStatusCode,
                isSubscriber, subscriberRelationshipCode, subscriberId, policyNumber, x12Refs);