FHIR validation errors if the version changes in the HL7

HI ,
We used Davinci Drug Formulary v1.0.1 and developed our Formulary Coverage Plan resource code. However with the latest versions V1.1.0(current version) and V1.2.0 (work in progress), FHIR validation is picking up V1.2.0 version and validating against that version, but our json is developed adhering only V1.0.1 and fhir validation is throwing errors.
Below are the commands we are using :
java -jar validator_cli.jar input file -version 4.0.1 -output -output.html → THis is taking only the V1.2.0 and we are failing here
java -jar validator_cli.jar input file -version 4.0.1 -output -output.html -ig hl7.fhir.us.davinci-drug-formulary#1.0.1 → this command is validating on V1.0.1 and we are good with this.
Want to check if there are any other options to provide version to fhir validator instead specifying IG details.

THank you!!

No you’re specifying the veresion in the correct way.

It shouldn’t be necessary to do that, but that’s an underlying structural issue - see discussion here: FHIR Community

THanks grahamegrieve, Also I would like to know how long will the older versions be valid, will HL7 mandate newer versions to be implemented or can I still be using older version.
We were using hl7.fhir.us.davinci-drug-formulary#1.0.1 and observed hl7.fhir.us.davinci-drug-formulary#1.1.0 and hl7.fhir.us.davinci-drug-formulary#1.2.0(work in progress version but FHIR is default validating on this version) also present which is causing us FHIR compliance issues unless we provide the ig version. --Since we want to follow previous version, curious to know how long will the older version be valid.

HL7 doesn’t have the ability to ‘mandate’ anything. We can deprecate a specification and say that we don’t recommend its use and we can choose to stop maintaining and supporting a specification. However, the specification will be permanently available.

Mandates, if they happen, tend to come from government. And when and how governments might mandate change varies by government, the regulatory process they must follow, and the feedback provided by the impacted constituents.