How to attach Provenance to Patient resource when _revinclude is in Query


I am stuck in a provenance issue that how I will attach that to Patient Resource, I have _revinclude in query parameter which have the value of Provenance.

Following is the URL which i am trying to cater

The problem I am facing is while mapping it to Patient FHIR model how I include provenance object/resource to model?
I tried with IBaseResource and also with IResourceProvider class as they are Parent class but the problem occurs when I run the Patient test on Inferno with these classes in use it skipped the test cases.

The Provenance instances will appear as sibling Bundle.entry repetitions to the Patient Bundle.entry, but will have a search.mode of ‘include’ rather than ‘outcome’. The Provenance instances will point to the Patient instance.

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thanks, its worked :slight_smile: