How to use ConceptMap with changing version

Hello, I’ve got a question about using conceptmap with version.
For example:

The source code system is like this:

name url id versionId version
administrative-gender administrative-gender 1 4.0.1

In ConceptMap Resource, the “sourceVersion”, “targetVersion” Element should be business-version. So it should be “4.0.1”
According to :
Now a typo is found in the definition, after fixed, it’s still v4.0.1 of the gender CodeSystem.
Let’s say it’s “male[[” in versionId 1, and it is fixed in versionId 2.

name url id versionId version
administrative-gender administrative-gender 2 4.0.1

Then, how to make a difference between this:

       Concept Map (id="cm-administrative-gender-v2",version="1.0",date=2019-11-01)
  <source value=""/> 
  <!-- versionId=1 -->
  <sourceVersion value="4.0.1"/>
  <target value=""/> 
  <targetVersion value="******"/>
    <code value="male[["/> 
         <code value="M"/> 
         <equivalence value="equal"/> 

and this:

       Concept Map (id="cm-administrative-gender-v2",version="1.1",date=2019-11-02)
  <source value=""/> 
  <!-- versionId=2 -->
  <sourceVersion value="4.0.1"/>
  <target value=""/> 
  <targetVersion value="******"/>
    <code value="male"/> 
         <code value="M"/> 
         <equivalence value="equal"/> 

In short words, a certain version of ConceptMap means certain versions of source and target CodeSystem. What will happen if the source or target CodeSystem changes, and does not change its “Business Version”?
Or maybe it’s not the correct way to use ConceptMap Resource?

A material change to a CodeSystem - and any change to a CodeSystem that impacted on a concept map would be a material change - would necessitate a new business version (at least, if not a new URL)