Medical history

Hello community, I’d like to ask if there’s a good solution for gathering current and past medical history. Current medical history includes a lot of aspects. But condition resource doesn’t cover many of them. I’d like to use a Questionnaire resource on that but there’s no way to reference questionnaire to a particular condition. So, only solution I’ve found so far is to record complaints or diagnose on Condition.code, onset on Condition.onset and use a bunch of Condition.note every detail of the current or past medical history.

The Questionnaire itself will not reference a particular Condition, since it is a definitional resource type. You can define the answer to a question to be a reference to any type of resource, so that in the QuestionnaireResponse you are able to link a Condition as an answer. The other answer.value[x] types can be used to capture the other details.


Medical history is broader than just conditions. For example, conditions, immunizations, procedures, observations as well as questionnaire responses and composition sections can all represent medical history. When this was last discussed (GF#10662), Patient Care work group noted that medical history is within the scope of the List resource (if you want to represent the list of heterogeneous resources that collectively represent medical history).

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About that, suppose my questionnaire asks which medications a Patient usually takes. In this case I want to create a MedicationStatement to each of the options marked by him.
I cannot link the answerValue directly to the MedicationStatement because it would be a reference to a resource that was not created yet.

Do you have any suggestions of how to proceed in this case?

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Take a look at the draft StructuredDataCapture implementation guide - specifically the “extraction” portion. It describes how you take the information from a completed QuestionnaireResponse and use it to produce other FHIR resources. (