Need to know any sample URL to hit and check XCPD patient discovery request

Hello FHIR community,

I need to hit the below provided SOAP request to any sample URL which can support patient discovery request (XCPD) protocol and respond to me back with the standard data (sample) against this request. I have attached the XML file which contains the request for XCPD patient discovery.
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

XML Sample request:

Thank you in advance.

Hi Amjad

Welcome to the FHIR community.

During the IHE Connectathon you would have for sure potential test partners to test your implementation against other implementations for XCPD (IHE ITI TF Vol1). Gazelle, the test tooling which is used at the Connectathon uses also simulators, so you might try to hit the XCDP Responding Gateway of the Patient Manager of Gazelle:

On the bottom of the page you see sample requests, reponses.

Best regards,

Hello @oliveregger Thanks for you positive response.
I have tried the url and got the XCPD test patient data.
But I am unable to use that same URL for testing purpose so that I can hit that URL mentioned below from link and I use my specificified XML request body and hit from SOAPUI I am getting 500 internal server error when I am trying to hit the url from soapui with my xml request file mentioned in the question above.

This url from your provided url above is the Endpoint which is used by this test tool.
Your help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

You need to hit with your message the endpoint which is defined in the wsdl:

<wsdl:service name=“RespondingGateway_Service”>
<wsdl:port binding=“tns:RespondingGateway_ServiceSoapBinding” name=“RespondingGateway_Port_Soap12”>
<soap12:address location=“”/>

I’m not familiar with soapui, so I can’t help you with the setup of it, sorry.

Best regards,