Received on Day 1: code: { “coding”: [ { “system”: “”, “code”: “8302-2”, “display”: “Body height” } ], “effectiveDateTime”: “2019-03-11T12:00:00”
Received on Day 10: code: { “text”: “Body height” }“effectiveDateTime”: “2019-03-11T12:00:00”
Should these two be treated as the same or different?
well, that depends on what you are doing, But in general, you can’t assume that code.text = code.coding.display means that they are the same thing. it’s pretty much a case by case decision by a human
I wanted to verify if that were the case, thank you
Even though you said it’s case by case I agree with your previous statement that we can’t and shouldn’t assume that code.text = code.coding.display