Patient Administration Work Group "Trial Use"

FHIR RestfulAPI spec appears to include “match.” Would like to know more about the Patient Administration Work group’s Trial Use process for FHIT features/operations. The website shows a maturity level of 5, upgrade to “Trial Use” from Informative, recently for match. Examples
Request: Patient match using patient resource:

POST /open/Patient/$match
[some headers]

“resourceType”: “Parameters”,
“id”: “example”,
“parameter”: [
“name”: “resource”,
“resource”: {
“resourceType”: “Patient”,
“identifier”: [
“use”: “usual”,
“type”: {
“coding”: [
“system”: “0203 - FHIR v4.0.1”,
“code”: “MR”
“system”: “urn:oid:”,
“value”: “12345”
“name”: [
“family”: [
“given”: [
“gender”: “male”,
“birthDate”: “1974-12-25”
“name”: “count”,
“valueInteger”: “3”
“name”: “onlyCertainMatches”,
“valueBoolean”: “false”

Want to know whether or not ‘Trial Use’ status of this feature means match operation has been deployed in recent FHIR software release.

You can find explanations of the meaning of both maturity levels and standards categorizations such as Trial Use here: Versions - FHIR v4.0.1

“Trial use” doesn’t necessarily mean something has been implemented. However, FMM 5 means that the artifact has been implemented in production in at least 5 independent systems in at least 2 countries.