Question about FHIR's race data standards

I found two different versions of FHIR race data standards, both of which are “the current published version,” one which starts the race concepts at 0 and the other of which starts the race concepts at 1. Which version is the most up to date version? Why does one start at 0 and the other at 1? Thanks!

  1. FHIR race that starts at 0: Race - FHIR v4.0.1
  2. FHIR race that starts at 1: Race - FHIR v4.0.1

Ones a value set and one’s a code system. The content is identical. I’m not sure why the value set hierarchy levels are 0-based while the code system ones are 1-based. Agree it’s a bit weird - feel free to submit a technical correction issue to get that fixed (use the ‘propose a change’ link at the bottom of any page in the spec).

Be aware that these two v3 artifacts aren’t generally used in FHIR. If you want to send U.S. Race, please use the extension defined in the us-core implementation guide. If you’re sending race or ethnicity information in a different country (one that allows you to send it at all), you’ll probably want a different set of codes as the v3 set are highly U.S. centric.