Resource could not be resolved

Hi everybody,

I hope somebody could help me with my current problem on
I defined a StructureDefinition Resource with Forge from Firely and uploaded it directly into my Implementation Guide Project on Simplifier but if I want to render it in table view I get the message: " Some canonical urls could not be resolved. You’re probably missing a package or made a typo in your canonical. * Could not resolve:".

I am thankful for your help.

Kind regards,
Abdallah Abdul-Latif

Hi Abdallah,

I think you are missing a dependency in your project. If you go to the “Dependencies” tap on project level you can see if you have added any dependencies.

The reference it can not resolve is contained in the “hl7.fhir.r4.core” package. Adding this to you project should solve the error.

Kind regards,

Hi Matthjs,

thank you for your fast reply. It solved my issue.

Kind regards,
Abdallah Abdul-Latif